The Day the Bookies Wept was Penner's eighth starring feature, and sixth
of seven for RKO. It told the story of a group of Brooklyn cab drivers who tried to make a bundle by pooling their money to
buy a race horse. The film featured Betty Grable, Dick Lane, Tom Kennedy and Thurston Hall. To read about it, click the title
In this scene from early in the film, Ina Firpo (Betty Grable) tells boyfriend Ernie Ambrose (Joe Penner) about a house
she has found for them to live in after they are married. But Ernie is too busy training his pigeons to pay much attention.
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Later that morning, Ramsey Firpo (Dick Lane) and Pinky Brophy (Tom Kennedy) try to convince Ernie to travel to Kentucky
to purchase a racehorse for his fellow cab drivers.
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After Ernie returns from Kentucky with Hiccup, the beer-loving race
horse, Firpo (Dick Lane) and the boys get him to race it through the streets. This unusual activity attracts the attention
of the local cop, who writes Ernie a unique traffic citation.
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Just before the big race, Firpo (Dick Lane) comes to visit Ernie and Hiccup at the
stables. Hiccup had just ingested a whole barrel of beer, and Firpo was amazed by his energy. After he smells the horse's
breath, he almost passes out.
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